My art balances abstraction with recognizable subjects, fueled by a desire for exploration and experimentation. Experimentation is key to my style, as I push the limits of color and materials.
Below are abstracts, studies, and drawings.
Pumkin Vine (Pastel 20 x 15")
View from the Bow (Pastel 21 x26") sold
Open Hearts (Pastel on Rice Paper 19 x 24")
Abundance (Mixed Media Collage 15 x 20")
Sleeping in My Bed (Pastel 12 x 12") sold
Petal Dance (Collage 8 x 11")
Orange/Purple (Oil 10 x 10") sold
Burgendy Flowers (Oil 10 x10") sold
Melting (Oil 10 x10") sold
Raft Up (Pastel 12x12")
Harbor Dreams (Collage 9 x 11)
Square Rig Study ( Mixed Media 7 x 5") sold
American Indian Abstraction (Pastel 14 x 12")
Bundled Mainsail (18 x 20")
Head Sail Study (Mixed Media 5 x 7") sold
Harbor Study (Mixed Media 5 x 7")
Tied Main Study (Mixed Media 5 x 7")
Collage 1 (Pastel Plus 20 x 15")
Copper Beech Study (Mixed Media 6 x5") sold
Sheep on Dyke (Pastel 15 x 20"
Old Warf (Mixed Media 10 x10") sold
Docked (Mixed Media 10 x10") sold
Calf (Pastel 10 x 14") sold
Life Drawing 6 (Pastel 17 x 11")
Life Drawing 5 (Pastel 11 x 17")
Life Drawing 4 (Pastel 11 x 17")
Life Drawing 3 (Pastel 11 x 17")
Life Drawing 2 (Pastel 10 x 10")
Life Drawing 1 (Pastel !7 x 11")
Lily (Mixed Media 12 x11") sold
Sitting (Mixed Media 18 x 12")